Liver education impacts our patients and colleagues

Thanks to your kind donations, we were able to fund 3 livers which are used in the outpatients clinics. The 3 different livers are a healthy liver, a fatty liver and a cirrhotic liver, each liver is the same size, weight and texture as a real liver. 

Caroline Winkely, Specialist Gastro Nurse, uses these livers to aid visual teaching for patients that come into the clinc. These have proven to be very popular, and patients can really gain an understanding of how big the liver is and where it sits in your body. Sometimes, Caroline can be the first person that someone sees regarding their liver and it is a good place to inform them about their liver and how to make the correct changes to impact their health. These livers really help in explaining what can happen if you don't make the correct changes.  

These 3 livers have also helped with staff education as well. 

Liver disease will often give no symptons at all so education plays an important role in changing peoples lifestyles otherwise they don't think that anything is wrong. 

Liver disease is the 5th biggest killer in Englad and Wales putting increasing pressure on the health service so these livers have really helped to give people the information they need to make better lifestyle choices that can have a major impact on their helath. 


Your donations really do make a difference and we couldn't thank you enough for all the help and support we receive from you.