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149 results:
1. Remembering Mark Farrar  
Understand how Mark's legacy lives on and how donations in his memory are providing support to families in their time of need.  
2. Cancer Services  
Scalp Coolers Understand the impact of Scalp Coolers and how they enhance patient confidence and wellbeing.  Wigs for patients Understand how wigs can enhance patient care, wellbeing, and…  
3. Support groups  
Men's Cancer Support Group: Two of our Macmillan Information Service Volunteers, John and Geoff decided that they wanted to support men who have cancer by hosting a Men's Cancer Support Group. This…  
4. Scalp Coolers  
Making an amazing impact to cancer patients' wellbeing: "Cancer can set you apart from your friends, your family, your colleagues at work - I didn't want that - especially at 32. And keeping my…  
5. Our amazing appeals  
Thanks to your support, we are able to give patients, colleagues, and visitors a positive experience at both our hospitals and community sites. Our effort is focused on understanding the most…  
6. Ray of Sunshine Campaign  
Ray of Sunshine Campaign needs you! Our aim for the Ray of Sunshine Campaign is to brighten the care and experience of babies, children, young people and their families. Whether in hospital or in…  
7. Wigs for cancer patients  
Providing wigs for cancer patients: Meet Tracey Thackery, a cancer patient at CHFT, who received excellent care and wellbeing support throughout her treatment and beyond. Tracey said:  "I…  
8. Former office space refurbished to support loved ones  
Understand how we supported the transformation of an office space.  
9. Jon's appreciation has inspired him to embark on a fundraising journey  
Young boy playing in ball pit. Understand what Jon and his friends are doing to raise funds for the Children's Ward at CHFT and why it's so important to them.  
10. Firewalk  
Are you ready to walk barefoot over hot coals for your local hospital charity? The firewalk challenge is an experience that encourages individuals to confront their fears and step outside their…  
Search results 1 until 10 of 149