Thanks to kind donations into our Abraham Ormerod Fund, Claire Sibbald, Transformation Programme Manager, was able to apply for and secure funding from CHFT Charity to support a Community Appointment Day for patients with long term pain, living in the Upper Calder Valley area. 

The Pain Community Appointment Day was a new and innovative way of working with an aim of bringing local community services together under one roof to support people living with persistent pain to improve health and wellbeing. 

Claire and the team recognised that persistent pain could have a significant impact on all areas of life, and this can have knock on effects on wider aspects of health and wellbeing. The Living Well with Pain Community Appointment Day offered patients access to conversations with a variety of relevant services to help support then in achieving their goals to improve health and wellbeing. 

Claire Sibbald said: "The event was very well attended by providers and patients. The feedback from patients who attended was very positive with many of them telling us that they weren't aware of all the services available or how to access them and that they had been able to refer themselves during the event."

The Community Appointment Day was focussed on conversations rather than consultations, taking a health coaching approach and patients had opportunity to speak with professionals about the following areas of health:

  • Movement and understanding the science of pain (with Physiotherapists)
  • Emotional and Psychological health
  • Managing pain medications]
  • Exercise and lifestyle - including weight management and smoking cessations. 
  • Financial concerns
  • Support with substance misuse

Claire, the team, and donors have helped to have a significant impact on patients living with chronic pain, helping patients to access many services under one roof, understand how to manage their chronic pain better as well as being able to speak with other individuals in the same situation as them, enabling conversations and tip sharing. Thank you for helping to make amazing happen at CHFT.