Marla's Family Fun Day

After above and beyond care for Marla, Jessica Dinsdale (mum of Marla) decided that she wanted to raise some funds to give back to the hospitals that helped save her daughters life. Little Marla was born at 27 weeks and required a lot of care. Marla spent two weeks at Bradford Royal Infirmary Neonatal Unit then two weeks at Calderdale Royal Hospital Neonatal Unit and then finally five weeks at Airedale Hospital Neonatal Unit where she was originally born. Marla and her family spent 9 weeks in total in hospital to make sure she was healthy enough to go home. 

After going through an extremely tough time of nearly losing her baby girl, mum of Marla, Jessica, wanted to try and raise as much money for each unit that Marla stayed at to say thank you for everything that they did for her and for the family. "Without the units, it would have been a completely different story. We are honestly so grateful and felt that this was our only way of showing how much we truly appreciate everything the units did from start to end." - Jessica Dinsdale. 

Jessica decided to hold a Marla's Family Fun Day to celebrate Marla and all that she had been through and achieved when in hospital, as well as introduce her to friends that wanted to meet her. The fun day had a DJ, live music playing throughout, a face painter, bouncy castle and bouncy slide, there was also a magician to entertain everyone. Jessica managed to keep everyone busy and have fun by hosting raffles, tombola's, mascots and lots of other games. Jessica was able to get pretty much everything for the event donated so the generosity of small and big businesses was amazing!