Men's Cancer Support Group

Two of our Macmillan Information Service Volunteers, John and Georff decided that they wanted to support men who have cancer by hosting a Men's Cancer Support Group. This group will be an informal face-to-face group for all men to come together and share concerns about cancer in a safe, confidential space. This group will be held once a month with different topics. CHFT Charity wanted to support this, so we took it upon us to contact certain venues in the local area. The John Smith's Stadium in Huddersfield kindly donated us a room for free. CHFT Charity wanted people who attend to feel comfortable and welcomed, so we organised refreshments. 

The first group was held on Thursday 29th September at the Legends Cafe in the John Smith's Stadium. The group was a huge success which may require more seating in the future if they continue to grow. The first group topic was about Trevor Simpson's Cancer stroy, musical history and experience as a referee at John Smith's Stadium. 

We have recieved some amazing feedback from sme men who attended the first group: 

"It has been a very welcoming and relaxed atmosphere where everyone could just be themselves. The venure has been fantastic - easy to find and good parking. I will look forward to coming again." 

"I wasn't sure what to expect today and have been feeling a bit down lately due to my cancer, but I have really enjoyed the group. It's been good to meet other men in a similar situation and I feel that the group has really picked me up." 

"It has been a real privilege to sit on the fringes of the first men's cancer support group at the Legend's Cafe at John Smith's Stadium today. I was present in the background as a staff member in case anyone needed support. To hear the men sharing their stories and expierences, as well as sharing some emotion, laughing together over a quiz, and enjoying music, was really moving. The group seemed to bond quickly, and they are keen to meet again in another month. They all loved the venue and the coffee - so huge thanks to John Smith's for their kindness in offering the group a free venure, to the CHFT Charity team for funding refreshments and to Jackie for welcoming us so warmly. I am sure the group will be extremely benefical to our local men affected by cancer." - Helen Jones, Macmillan Information & Support Service Manager. 

We would like to say a massive thank you to the John Smith's Stadium for allowing us to use their space, the group were very welcomed and felt very secure within this space. 

The next group will be held on Thursday 27th October, the topic will be emotional support during cancer through counselling & psychology. The group after that will be held on Thursday 25th November, the topic will be the importance of exercise and keeping physically active. Everyone is welcome to attend these groups. If you require more information, then please contact 01484 343614 / 01422 222709 or email