Northern Nurse Conference improves patient care

Thanks to your kind donations, CHFT Charity has been able to fund a conference place for one of our Specialist Fertility Nurses, Susie Best. Susie was able to attend the Northern Nurse Conference to learn more about fertility and develop skills and knowledge to help enhance the team and experience for patients. 

Susie explained to use that the conference was extremely interesting as there has been many changes over the last few years within fertility. It was a great place for Susie to talk to other nurses and understand how other hospitals are chaning their ways to suit all patients. 

Susie enjoyed listening to the guest speakers and learning from them, subjects inculding IVF, miscarriage, customer service, egg collections and many more. Susie explained that some of the guest speakers were nurses who spoke about their own experience and explained ways in which you successfully help patients going through difficult situations. These specific nurses were able to give their own tips regarding tough procedures as well as advice and guidance about adapting to new ways.

"Overall, it was an excellent opportunity to learn and discuss new findings and neet with other nurses within our speciality who we deal with quite closely as they do some procedures on many of our Halifax patients." - Susie Best.

Colleagues within Susies team have benefited from Susie attending the conference and bringing back as much information, facts and tips as possible to positively impact the team and patients.