Raffle helps with patient wellbeing

Andrea Marren, Health Care Assistant on Ward 14, approached CHFT Charity after coming up with the idea of running a Ward 14 raffle for patients that would happen every week. This raffle would equip some patients with items they may have forgotten to bring into hospital, for example tolietries, puzzle books etc. The funding requested would allow this to happen on a regular basis for all patients based on Ward 14. 

CHFT Charity believed that this was a project that needed supporting as it allows patients to feel included, valued and thought of whilst staying with us in hospital. 

After running the raffle for a few weeks, Andrea shared with us that patients love to take part in this fun, light entertainment that allows them to take their mind off issues that may be causing anxiety. Having a raffle has also helped to keep the patients busy and occupied by getting them involved in folding and drawing the tickets. Both the raffle and prizes help to support the wellbeing of the patients whilst on the ward.

"This is a lovely idea to show patients that our care is on a holistic approach, not just looking after their medical need, but also their mental health and wellbeing." - Andrea Marren.

Thank you for your kind donations, we are able to offer support in helping ideas come to reality and help encourage patients to look after their mental health and wellbeing by taking part. This initative has really allowed patients to feel welcomed and respected. Together we really do make a huge difference!