Sponsored walk for our Children's Diabetes Team

On Sunday 9th October 2022, a family in our community held a sponsored walk in aid of our Children's Diabetes Team. The sponsored walk started at Newsome Church and finished at Castle Hill. 

Danyal Haris decided that he wanted to raise some awareness and funds for the Children's Diabetes Team at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust. Areeba Haris got diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 6, since diagnosis, CHFT have supported the family in every way possible which is why the family wanted to give back. 

Both Danyal and Areeba want to go into medicine when older, they really appreciate the support, knowledge, and guidance from our Children's Diabetes Team. 

"The diabetes team are always there, it gives me the piece of mind that we can get through to them, even in the middle of the night when something happens to Areeba" - Sajeela, mum of Danyal and Areeba. 

Our amazing Children's Diabetes Team always go above and beyond to support our patients, Areeba has recently moved up to high school. With the worry that situations are going to change, the Diabetes Team visited Areeba's school just to put her mind at ease and to make sure that everything was there and in order just in case Areeba needs the help whilst at school. 

The Children's Diabetes Team are there no matter what, for all their patients and we are so lucky to have them here at CHFT! 

All money raised from the sponsored walk will go towards enhancing patient care and experience within the Children's Diabetes Team.