The Big Hospital Walk 2023

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Charity held their second Big Hospital 10k Walk Sunday 9th July 2023 and it was AMAZING!

55 walkers and 4, four-legged furry friends all came together on a hot and humid Sunday morning and took part in the hilly 10k charity walk from Calderdale Royal Hospital to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.

The team atmosphere and enthusiasm was outstanding, it was great to see colleagues connecting, engaging and making memories together, along with supporters, patients and their family members.

The Charity team want to say thank you to Halifax Panthers mascot, Paddy, for setting off the walk for us and to Huddersfield Town mascot, Terry, for welcoming everyone back to HRI. Also, a special thanks to Purple Dog Limited who provided both human and canine first aid or the event, they had everything we needed from suncream to plasters, even a hair bobble!

Our volunteers were superb in helping our walkers cross busy roads, cheering them on and help them along the route. Thanks Alex, Jude - our offical photographer, Will and the RAF cadets, Neil and Martin from AFL Architects.

Our event sponsors, IHP, Mott Macdonald and IBI Group, played a huge part in making our Big Hospital Walk a success so we'd like to say a huge thanks to them! It was great to see colleagues from all 3 companies take part in the walk.

CHFT Charity received some brilliant feedback about this event at the end when everyone arrived at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. Many people explained to us how they were already excited for this event to take place next year. Many participants commented on the route, explaining that they didn’t realise what beautiful views we have, right on our doorstep. A lot of our colleagues explained that it was great to meet up with one another face to face for the first time and make that connection. There was not one participant who did not finish the route with a huge smile on their face.

Emma Kovaleski, Charity Manager said 'What an incredible event, I am so proud of everyone for coming together and taking part in the Big Hospital Walk. It was a warm day and a challenging route, but everyone had a brilliant time and we so far have raised over £4,500! Next years date is already confirmed, so please put Sunday 7th July 2024 in your diaries!

Congratulations to everyone for taking part in our Big Hospital 10k Walk to celebrate NHS 75, we can't wait to do it all over again next year. Visit The Big Hospital Walk 2023 - YouTube to find out how the day went.